elemental analysis
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- elemental analysis (13)
- Energy Dispersive X-ray (5)
- XRF Spectrometer (6)
- benchtop edxrf analyzer (5)
- xrf analysis (4)
- Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (1)
- Handheld XRF Spectrometer (2)
- PMI Gun (1)
- Portable XRF (2)
- Mining Exploration (1)
- Archaeology (1)
- Spectrometer (1)
- Ultra-Compact Metals Analyzer (5)
- OES Analyzer (5)
- Arc Spark Spectrometer (5)
- Q2 Ion (1)
- Q4 Tasman (1)
- Q8 Magellan (1)
- Arc Spark Spectrometer OES Software (1)
- Q4 Polo (1)
- Benchtop XRF (1)
- XRF Analyzer (1)
- sulfur analyzer (4)
NEX CG II Series
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
Next-generation Advanced Cartesian Geometry EDXRF for Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Elemental Analysis
NEX CG II Series are powerful second-generation energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements
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NEX DE VS Variable Spot Size Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometer For elemental analysis of solids, liquids, powders, alloys and thin films
A high-performance small (variable) spot benchtop EDXRF elemental analyzer, the new Rigaku NEX DE VS delivers wide elemental coverage with a easy-to-learn Windows®-based QuantEZ software.
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High-Resolution Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometer
Windows®-based EDXRF for rapid elemental analysis
As a premium high performance benchtop Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) elemental analyzer, the new Rigaku NEX DE delivers wide elemental coverage with a easy-to-learn Windows®-based QuantEZ software.
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Portable Benchtop/CounterTop XRF Analyzer
Safety Interlocked
Self Contained
48 Elements
Up to 48 elements analyzed, wide elemental range, from Mg to U.
2 Safety Interlocks
Sample sensor & closed lid sensor.
7 kg
CTX is lightweight and truly field portable.
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Compact multi-chip Spark Spectrometer
The Little Giant in Spark-OES
Complete Elemental Coverage, Wide Calibration Ranges
Autofocus Included
Bruker's patented concept for self-focusing under temperature variations eliminates
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Information @ your Finger Tips | Metal Analysis made Easy | Unique Communication Talent
Controlling your spectrometer can be so simple
> 350000 international alloys
Total Materia
ELEMENTAL.SUITE optionally integrates the world's most comprehensive materials database: Total Materia.
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High-End Optical Emission Spectrometer for Metal Analysis
Mastering impurities & inclusions
Single-button operation
Pure PMT-based performance with Single Spark Evaluation (SSE)
Unleashing the speed of the latest Photomultiplier tube (PMT) detectors for
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Process And Quality Under Control
- Ready-to-use metals lab
- The innovative single or dual-optic concept with 3 variants delivers high-performance to cover every analytical need in the most economical way.
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Patented Optical System With AAC
- Incoming material inspection made easy
- The patented optical system with AAC compensates thermal drifts and provides maximum analytical stability without thermal conditioning.
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- Portable XRF for cutting-edge researchers
- Wide Range of Available Calibrations
- Wide range of matrix matched calibrations can measure up to 48 elements.
- Custom & standard primary beam filters.
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- Portable Elemental Analysis From Mg - U
Wide Range of Applications
2 Times Faster
- New graphene SDD detectors mean 2 times faster light element measurement!
- Optional 3 mm collimator enables accurate measurement of small
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- High-Resolution Energy Dispersive X‑ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) Spectrometer
As a premium low cost benchtop energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) elemental analyzer, the Rigaku NEX QC+ QuantEZ delivers wide elemental coverage with a
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NEX QC Low Cost Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer
- As a premium low cost benchtop X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer, the Rigaku NEX QC delivers wide elemental coverage with an easy-to-learn software interface in a robust package designed for industrial at-line quality control elemental analysis applications.
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